Make digital safety the company culture.

Stop online harassment from escalating to hacking.

two hands cupped together holding a handful of poppies

Trusted By

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Add cutting-edge digital safety to your organization’s benefits offerings.

When malicious trolls target your organization, your employees take the brunt of the resulting threats, slander, and vitriol.
When those trolls escalate to hacking, your employees are the most visible targets.

Tall Poppy helps keep your employees safe from external cybersecurity and harassment threats.
The safer your employees are, the safer the whole organization will be.

Security awareness training
Step-by-step guidance for setting up safeguards
Incident response and follow-up support
Crisis response resources
Social listening and hate site monitoring
Risk Assessment
Request a Demo
A poppy flower going from dried and neglected to thriving and growing

Your employee says they’re being harassed online. What do you do?

Maybe it’s because your organization got bad press.
Maybe it’s because of who your employee is.
Whatever the reason, they need help.

Tall Poppy has the expertise in inclusion, HR, and security to provide support, with no strain to your HR and security teams. We’ll guide your employees through proactive risk management. If the worst happens and someone’s attacked online, our team will be on standby with decades of experience in incident response.

Request a Demo

I need help.

a laptop covered in thorny vines

I'm being harassed online!

We know how hard this is, but you’re not alone. Our anti-harassment resources are a great starting point, and we can help you talk to your boss to get the support and safeguards you need at work.

Contact Us

My employee is being harassed online!

We've created a guide to help managers navigate this difficult situation. Tall Poppy can help your employee regain their well-being and do their best work.

Get the manager's guide

What people are saying

Ellen K Pao
Ellen K. Pao
Project Include Co-Founder,
former Reddit CEO

We can do something about it. We can do plenty.

“Anyone can be a victim of online harassment. When I ran Reddit, I called @hypatiadotca when our employees were being doxed and targeted. Recently she and @lgdean founded @tallpoppyhq to help all companies keep their employees safe.”

anita sarkeesian
Anita Sarkeesian
Exec Director @femfreq & @gameshotline

One of the best automated, self help, online systems I've seen so far.

"If you work for a company, recommend that they sign up for @tallpoppyhq to safeguard all their employees. It’s honestly one of the best automated, self help, online systems I’ve seen so far."

katherine maher
Katherine Maher
Former CEO of Wikimedia

Would recommend and use again, for everyone.

"[Big] ups to @tallpoppyhq for being there to walk me through this confusing landscape, and helping me my loved ones stay safe. Would recommend and use again, for everyone."

lilz lee
Liz Lee
VC, former Twitter, OnlineSOS, and Morgan Stanley

Big fan of the work Tall Poppy is doing.

"...big fan of the work @hypatiadotca is doing at @tallpoppyhq to solve this issue for newsrooms, other employers, and everyday individuals."


What is online harassment?
What’s a Tall Poppy?
What is personal digital safety?
It’s just online. What’s the big deal?